Easy to use Omnichannel Cloud Contact Center

One Cloud Solution for all Customer Contacts


Phone, SMS, Email, Web, Mobile, Social – it does not matter. Whatever channel your customers prefer, with our Cloud Contact Center, you can manage them. Let your customers choose their preferred method of communication.

Center of all interactions

The Interaction Center is the core of the Cloud Contact Center. Answer a phone call, reply to a ticket, manage a live chat, or reply to an SMS. Do it from the Interaction Center with ease, all in one place.

Easy to set up, manage, and use

DataKnowl's Cloud Contact Center features have been designed to be simple to use, revolutionizing the contact center concept, from an enterprise-only complex tool to a tool suitable for businesses of all sizes.
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Omnichannel Interactions

Build stronger and lasting relationships by interacting with your customers on their favorite contact channel (Voice, Email, SMS, etc.).

Make the customer experience easier, satisfying, and more effective by leaving the customer the choice of the channel and the ways in which to contact you.

The omnichannel experience is also for your agents, who from a single point, the Interaction Center, can manage interactions on multiple channels, without having to manage multiple platforms, learn different tools for different channels, or having to continually switch between applications.

Easy and Scalable

The Interaction Center has been designed to simplify communication on multiple channels, so it is a tool suitable for all, and scalable.

From a contact center for a small activity, even with a single agent, to complex configurations for large companies, with multiple support teams and geographically distributed operating sites.

Get the best, thanks to an intuitive and effective tool, dedicated to better supporting your customers for their maximum satisfaction. Do not waste energy and resources on managing multiple and complicated tools.

AI & Automation

Enhance customer experience and operational efficiency by combining DataKnowl with V-Agent or V-Voice.

Thanks to the artificial intelligence of V-Agent and V-Voice assistants, and to the high-quality conversational experience, you can automate simple and common interactions, transferring interactions to active agents when needed.

Let your agents take care of the more complex requests, while the V-Agent will handles the common requests. Optimize and extend your workforce for the best customer experience.

IVR and Conversation IVR

Make any type of Interactive Voice Response (IVR). With DataKnowl it is possible to easily create and manage IVR, even with text-to-speech technology, available for more than 50 languages.

Also use the V-Agent or V-Voice to create an advanced conversational experience. Thanks to these virtual agents and their artificial intelligence technology, it is possible to interact in a conversational way, with an experience very close to the human one.

Through the API, it is easy to integrate DataKnowl's IVR solutions with other third-party software components, your management software, and other platforms.

Integrated with all DataKnowl Services

Choosing DataKnowl means having a whole platform at your disposal, not just individual services.

DataKnowl is a set of solutions for managing communications with your customers on multiple channels, tracking requests for maximum efficiency and quality and improving the customer experience.

All in one platform. Not tens of services to manage, understand, configure, and integrate, with all the difficulties and costs that ensue. A single platform, integrated and easy to use. Optimize costs. Optimize the customer experience.

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